Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Fence Design Ideas, The Facade Houses Sweeteners

5 Fence Design Ideas, The Facade Houses Sweeteners

Fences are not just limiting the home, but also as part of a facade that can not escape the touch of creativity.

The fence serves as a barrier region our home ownership. The fence is also usually used as a protector of the home of the interference coming from outside. But the fence also should be an integral part of building facades. In addition, the fence must have a high aesthetic value, because the fence is the "face" for the imagery that represents the character of the household.

The following three fence design ideas can serve as inspiration for you.
 Wood Facade Random Box

Timber elements are always charming. Natural fiber and color that gives its own beauty to your home fence. Unfortunately, if not careful, wood fences can make a house look old, rigid, and unattractive.

In this design, the weakness had been tricked by preparing a timber with a line up to cover a plot area of the house. To add a dynamic element, timber align with the random and oblique. Composition of wood put together with iron round that stretched from end to end.

Finishing touch that is not less important is to give the finishing transparent so that the fiber lifted. Now a very strong aesthetic impression emanating from the facade of this house.

The combination of New Material

Innovation of new materials such as cement and concrete fiber board aeration gives us an opportunity to innovate with the design of the fence. The right combination of form and field that is created from these materials create a unique design ideas. As this design, aerated concrete which is prepared cross, naturally exposed natural stone and fiber cement board as a sliding fence installed arch with random and iron construction. Hopefully inspired.

Other options to hedge is to use natural stone combined with the plant

Fence Eating Plants

Fences "alive" in fact already widely applied in traditional Indonesian houses. But now life is back flare fence with a more contemporary design approach.

Dominant fence with grass that is placed on not tilted 30 degrees. The slope is intended to enhance home security. Above the grass can still be planted with frangipani trees and various grain crops. Fences "live" matches to be part of your modern home design.

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