Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Indonesian Furniture

Jepara is the center of wooden Indonesian carving furniture in Central Java. It is filled with mostly small workshops, which usually are the craftsman homes, but there are also some larger manufacturers. You can find an endless variety of good Indonesian furniture produced in Jepara, in different styles and different qualities, from reproduction of antiques to garden furniture, and you can even order your custom built furniture. Some are produced manually, using the same methods and processes used in the past; and in larger manufacturers some are produced by machine. Most of the furniture sold in Java and Bali come from Jepara.

When you plan to shop at small workshops, it is recommended to bring along someone who has good knowledge in Indonesian wooden furniture, so you can get good quality furniture at the most suitable price. And with the opportunity to see the craftsman at work, you can also check the quality of their work. At larger manufacturers, the wooden products are classified in different grades, grade A is for the best quality and the most expensive.

There are various ways to go to Jepara. You can go by train or by bus from Jakarta. Another way is to take a flight to Semarang, there are more than 100 flights per week from Jakarta to Semarang. And from Semarang airport you can take a taxi to Jepara, the trip takes approximately 2 hours.

For business or pleasure, a visit to Jepara is definitely worth it, and you will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge in wooden Indonesian furniture.

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